Write Code In the Browser
Write Code On Any Device. Using enCode Create’s Creation Suite learning platform, students can write code directly in the browser.…

New Course Aligned to Tennessee K-12 Computer Science Standards
Built in collaboration with Surf Wisely, enCode Create’s newest coding and computer science course, Computer Science Foundations, is aligned with…

Run Greenfoot projects in your browser without downloading any software!
Greenfoot, first released in 2006, is one of the most influential tools for teaching computer science. It allowed students who…

Teacher Spotlight: David Sankey
How This Florida Middle School Teacher Uses enCode/Create Curriculum and Resources in His Classroom Teacher’s Name: David Sankey School: Westwood…

What is scaffolding, and why is it important when teaching computer science?
What is scaffolding? If you’re not an educator, this word probably makes you think of the temporary support structures used…

Instructor Spotlight: Philip Luong and Kevin Guo
Two recent high school graduates are now talented coding teachers. Putting the focus on two very talented instructors: this time…