Scrum Product Development

What is this course?
Scrum Product Development is a course for students working on extended, open-ended projects. This course provides structure to student work via the skills and techniques of Scrum.
Scrum is the set of processes and organizational techniques used by product development teams to plan, track, and execute their work.
What do students do?
Define goals, analyze necessary tasks, work collaboratively, estimate time and set due dates, monitor their progress, and reflect on their work.

What do teachers do?
Facilitate work by tracking progress, ensuring commitments are kept, and enabling creativity
What are the benefits of using Scrum in the classroom?
- Students always have something to work on and know what that is. Sometimes when you facilitate extended projects, students procrastinate too much until the due date gets near.
- Teachers always know their students’ current progress. A 30 second glance at their project board let’s you see the state of every task.
- Giving grades at regular intervals is easy and fast. The structure of scrum makes it easy for teachers to assess students.
- Students are enabled to drive their own learning. Goal setting, accountability, and reflection are embedded into the work process.
- Students learn industry-relevant skills. The majority of product teams use scrum to organize their work. Even people in roles who don’t write any code do scrum work every day on the job.